Oud-studenten Geschiedenis Universiteit Gent


augustus 2012

Nieuw boek van Hugo Soly (jg. 1967) en Catharina Lis

In their magnum opus Worthy Efforts: Attitudes to Work and Workers in Pre-Industrial Europe Catharina Lis and Hugo Soly offer an innovative approach to the history of perceptions and representations of work in Europe throughout Classical Antiquity and the medieval… Lees verder →

Canadese geschiedenisprijs voor Klaartje Schrijvers (jg. 2002)

The Political History Group, a committee affiliated with the Canadian Historical Association, is pleased to offer the 2012 prize for the best article in Canadian political history to Gregory P. Marchildon and Klaartje Schrijvers. Their study Physician Resistance and the… Lees verder →

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